These are a few of the older magazines that were out many years ago. Country Song Roundup came by mail for me....The rest we would look for where magazines were sold... Songbooks were found in music stores...Music stores have all but disappeared in most places...They used to sell sheet music, song books, records and some did music instruments also... After so many other stores started carrying records, cassettes and so on, the music stores as we knew them faded almost away.
We could go to the record store and listen to the record before we bought it...Now we do the same thing on our computers with the digital downloads and all. Times do change..
Music was segregated a bit differently than it is today..easy listening, pop, country-western. On AM radio could find Music Hall Varieties, opera and Scandinavian etc. music.
Sometimes I wonder if we have really progressed.
It is fun to go through some of these books and magazines and remind myself of all the songs ..Some of them are still heard today on classic music stations..Occasionally someone will record one of the oldies. So that is nice.
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