Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cleaning cupboards , etc.

When at last summer comes here and the weather gets too warm for me to be comfortable working outside, I try to find quiet things to do in the house.   I had saved  a few different magazines i.e. had  a one year subscription to  three or four then stopped each as they ran out.  Of course  the magazines had so many good recipes and articles that I could not bear to  let them go...Well, I was looking at them in their neat plastic crates and thought  there must be  a better way to use the space...maybe leave it empty?  So a few days ago  I set them all out..If I start a project I usually finish it in due time.. My Dad always said I had stick-to-itiveness.   So today I sat down with a stack of Family Circles.. Now I have a stack of recipes that I hope to try as I go along..There were so many that looked easy and good that I tore the pages out..Then saw some articles  that I thought would be good for me and a couple of others to read...So my  pile of magazines has gotten considerably smaller but  I just cannot help myself when I see good recipes...
Many years ago I saw a recipe in a local  newspaper  column..It looked so easy i.e. put it all into a bowl and mix then into a pan and bake.. I use that usually when I have to bring something to a potluck and everyone  is impressed and wants the recipe..I try to remember to have a few copies along so they can take  a recipe along home with them..  So, no matter how many recipes  I gather, I am always looking for another easy and good one..  Still have quite a few magazines to go through so will have to be very selective  as I read the rest of them. Maybe next  blog I will write out the special cake recipe.

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